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Hearts In Love Will Beat Forever

Sorry it took so long for us to get this page up. We were kinda busy. We would like to send a SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ASTERA for introducing us. Our Ever Lovin' MATCHMAKER. SANKS Sweetie. Please visit her site. Astie_Nowie

Brides Bouquet        Wed Rings
All our Flowers were made for us by Ceif


Beating heart Wedding Party 

Wed Party
   Bridesmaid: Jane Radley

   Bestman: Gareth Charman

   Maid Of Honour: Angie Charman

   Brides Accompany: Jason Tsang "Sith"

Beating heart
United Beating heart
It is given once in a lifetime...

To find someone so rare,

that you wonder how you'll live if that someone isnt there.

That someone can reach inside beyond the stress and strife,

and touch the broken chords and bring them back to life.

   I will love you for All of ETERNITY and a day more.
Beating heart

Angie&Gareth Thank you for ALL your support Angie & Gareth

   Jason & Jane

It would never have been complete without you.
You gave more strength
   than you can know.

Proud Parents

Thank you Dad, for taking all our Photos for us.

We look forward to your visit in Canada with us next summer. (2004)

Whole Gang

We were so happy to see EVERYONE who helped us Celebrate our Wedding.

Thank you for traveling the great distances you did to join us.

We have thoroughly enjoyed all your comments in our Guestbook.

Thank you. Please continue to make as many entries as you wish.
We read them often and love to have you keep us updated on whats happening.

We plan to continue to work on our site so please stop back often to see our updates.